I may very well sleep with the door to my room open tonight.
You see, I saw a mouse in my room.
First it was an almost imperceptible movement, just at the corner of my right eye. I froze, and waited, and... Yes! There it was! A mouse, scurrying across the floor, in front of the tv, under my bed.
I kicked my bed, then climbed on top of it. Kneeling down, I peered cautiously over the edge. No mouse.
I bounced up and down on the bed, quite vigourously, on my knees, hoping the sound would frighten the mouse and he would scurry out of my room (that's what mice do, right? Scurry?)
No luck.
So I'm going to sleep with my room door open. I have no intentions of being locked up in my room with a mouse for company.
You know, I think I saw this mouse last week. He was scurrying across a piece of furniture in another room. So I rushed and set two glue traps. Mouse fi dead.
Two mornings later, I was about to go into the kitchen to make my morning coffee... a religious ritual for me... when I heard sounds that can only be described as frustrated scurrying. Sure enough, the mouse had been caught on the glue trap, and was trying desperately to escape.
I froze. Then I did the the most logical thing.
I ran screaming into my mother's room. (Yes, I am 38 years old, but I'm not perfect, ok?!)
"Mummy! Mummy!"
My mother immediately sprang into emergency mode. "What happen?! What happen?!"
"A mouse! A mouse! Amousegotcaughtinthetrapinthekitchen!"
Mummy unsuccessfully tried to hide a smile. "Alright Nicky. Calm down. I'll deal with it."
"I'm calm! I just cant! Deal! With! It!" And I turned on my heel and went to my room, avoiding the kitchen, calmly slamming every door on the way.
Safely ensconced in my room, I listened to my mother, the Intrepid Mouse Destroyer. Bang! Whack! Thud! Scrape scrape scrape! More Bangs! More Whacks and Thuds!
Then... silence.
Figuring it was safe, I emerged from my room. My mother was already on her way to me. She was panting, sweating, tired. Boy, that mouse must have really gotten it, I thought.
"The rat got away," my mother announced flatly.
"Only the tail was caught in the trap, and it escaped and ran that way." She pointed vaguely towards the back door.
We stared at each other, then she returned to her room, and I went and made my coffee.
I think the mouse is back.
You are so incredibly talented...why are you not rich? I love the blog!! Love your facility with words "achording"??? Brilliant!!! What a great and funny story. You should consider writing children's books. I remember when I lived at the the other house and you saw a dying mouse in the middle of the living room floor and retreated 2 floors up to the attic where you stayed the rest of the day until I got home. I just could not believe it!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteThat was a good read, but, as I have been told on numerous occasions, my analytical mind always takes the fun out of stories, movies, etc. Here is what I have been analysing. Sleeping with your room door open because a mouse got into your room, makes it possible for more mice to come into your room hence, multiplied scurrying and the need for a lot more mouse traps. And as you so "Jamaicanly" put it (mouse fi dead),could potentially become mass murder (just a thought). So I think it would be best next time when/if another mouse gets into your room, close the door and dont rest until the pest is dead, or you could just get a cat.
ReplyDeleteAH HATE RATS, RODENTS OF ANY KIND. BUT ESPECIALLY RATS - This was because I made the mistake of reading a book called The Lair. EEW shivers!!
ReplyDeleteMurophobia or fear of mice and rats is traditionally depicted as being a female phobia..i must be honest and admit i too hate the annoying liitle rodents. My fear has driven me to employ various means of protection against them, from glue traps to the once popular rat trap. My dear fear knows no gender, jus keep di door lock...lol PEACE!!